What is Title Insurance?
There are two types of title insurance policies. The first is a owner’s policy which protects the homebuyer and the second is the loan policy which protects the lender. Lenders usually require a loan policy when they issue you a loan, to protect their investment. The loan policy is based usually on the dollar amount of your loan. It only protects the lender’s interests in the property should a problem with the title arise. It does not protect the buyer. The policy amount decreases each year and eventually disappears as the loan is paid off. An owner’s policy, usually issued in the amount of the real estate purchase by the seller, provides protection for as long as you or your heirs have an interest in the property.
You should have a policy to protect your investment as well. For a one-time fee paid at closing, an owner’s policy can protect your property rights for as long as you or your heirs own the property.
An owner’s policy protects you from:
• Unpaid mortgages
• Unpaid property taxes
• Child support liens
• Missing heirs who could claim the property belongs to him or her
• Missed easements or rights of way that could limit your use of the property
Call us today to discuss how affordable and easy it is to protect your investment.